2 Hour cPAD Awareness

This short 2 hour Community Public Access Defibrillator (cPAD) awareness session teaches the essential skills required to know what to do in the event that somebody suffers a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in public. Many communities are installing public access defibrillators that are available for anybody to use prior to the arrival of the emergency services.

Please note: defibrillators are not a substitute for the emergency services so always call 999/112 in a life threatening emergency first so that help is on the way. Having defibrillators available for the public to use quickly before the arrival of the emergency services can however drastically improve the chance of survival when somebody collapses and their heart stops pumping (SCA).

If a person collapses and their heart stops pumping blood around the body they need help quickly! Without immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation the chances of survival decrease at a rate of 7-10% per minute whilst waiting for the ambulance to arrive. In most cases an ambulance will be on the scene within 8 minutes if somebody has called 999/112 but this is not always achievable due to many factors.

Session content includes: How to recognise sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), calling the emergency services, how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), how to use the AED, recovery position & handover to emergency services.

We can offer bespoke sessions as required from a quick show and tell session lasting as little as 1 hour to a full 4hr AED course for the workplace. Contact us to discuss your exact requirements on 330 043 58180

Book On-Site Course only £695.00 +VAT per group

Download course information in PDF format

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